I read this tonight and was incredibly convicted...
How I so love revelations through the Holy Spirit
"How does God's love abide in anyone who has the world's goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuse to help?" -1 John 3:17
So picture this, we are driving down the street, we may even go as far as to say walking...and we see a person in need. We are either, in a hurry and don't have the time to stop, have no cash or anything to give, or we just drop eye contact quickly and pretend they don't exist.
Our excuse..
They are probably just going to use it for alcohol, or drugs, or something that we don't approve of
Well, it's their fault that they are on the streets, they should just clean themselves up and get a job
I can't stop and help everyone, so i'll get the next one
It would be weird, for me as a girl, to stop and talk to an old man- it's just not smart
You know you are all shaking your head in agreement because this is EXACTLY what we do.
Yet, Jesus, the One that we are striving to be like, the One we fix our eyes on as our example...He says this-
"How does God's love abide in anyone who has the world's goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuse to help?"
And so I think, if Jesus approached each of us with THIS CRAP LOGIC we would ALL be screwed. If He looked at each of us, each time that we prayed for miracles, signs and wonders, a better job, a good home. We have to remember that we do NOT belong to this world, but that we are the ones, through the power of the Holy Spirit supposed to change what is so wrong here. It isn't supposed to make sense in this world. That's why it's so life changing and Jesus transforms. Because He offers hope.
Take it outside of being homeless, but to struggling family, friends, or neighbors, or people in our sunday school class. A brother or sister in need...how can we say, how can I say that I love Jesus, yet I ignore the needs.
Jesus came and humbly offered Himself, knowing that we would waste this world on drugs, and alcohol, and greed, and lust, and break every stinkin commandment that He gave us, which was His love, His grace to us- to keep us from having this exact mindset.
Can we really, HONESTLY, see Jesus walking by the people that are His, that He created and saying- "yeah... I don't have time to help them today, I mean, I know what they are going to use it all for anyway."
And we are to have Christ-like minds, and to walk in His example, and to love with Jesus' love.
...yet look at what we have made it. Look at what we have done to His name. His love. His glory.
We, I, stare Jesus right in the face and say,"what You have made is not worth my time, or my money."
Yeah, Jesus chose to hang out with who we call dirty fools. Ourselves included.
I dare you to try it, actually I dare me to try it. Read the rest, spend tomorrow eating lunch with a brother or sister.
This is really inspiring!