Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is Enough


Words on a page.

How are they significant?

Well they are because they are because they are.

Who can say that these words are nothing?

So how does all this make sense? What is the purpose of questioning these things?

I really am just word vomiting on the page because my brain thinks faster than what I like to write. So therefore I am going to say these things as a way to word spew an overflow.

An overflow of His goodness. Of His creation. Of His astounding love.


(These words are significant.)

He says. THE LORD SAYS. Do not worry about tomorrow.

FOR tomorrow will worry about itself.

You have and are proving for TODAY.

Today $1900 was provided. Do I need A LOT more? Yes.

But for today, this is enough. This is more than enough.

Instead of me seeking and dwelling on what I do not have, for today I have all that I need.

(I know that you have heard this all of your life.)

CHALLENGE: Take all the things in your life that you need right now. All the things that are not being provided for and make a list. All the things that you even want.


Make another list on another page on all the ways that He has provided for you TODAY.

Be specific.


Which list has more?


Doesn’t God provide more that what we need?

We have clean water. Electricity. Internet. Paper. Pen. Clothes. Coffee. I mean this list can go on and on and on.

Now take the list of “needs”…cross it out! and write this underneath it.

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Matthew 6:34

The Lord promises… I am RIGHT HERE. I am RIGHT HERE. I am not leaving, I am not forsaking.

Ask the Lord, what can be my overflow?

My chains are broken. You run to me to fill my cup.

Do not let this get in the way of His goodness, His new mercies each day.

He-everyday- is renewing us from the inside out.

This is enough.

He is with us.

God is my refuge and strength.

God is in the midst of me, I SHALL NOT BE MOVED.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Your Kingdom come, Your will be DONE.

"Watch what God does and then do it. Keep company with Him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. HIS LOVE WAS NOT CAUTIOUS BUT EXTRAVAGANT. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give EVERYTHING of Himself to us. LOVE LIKE THAT." Ephesians 5:2

The Lord is raising up the people OF THE STATES. The Lord is calling people that are willing to give up everything to pray for THE STATES. He is moving. He is doing something and today it was clearly impressed upon all of our hearts. Today the Lord is giving us reasons that He is merciful, that He is gracious, and that He LOVES us. He loves us.
Because we are bums. We are unworthy bums. We are people who consume and people who live to gain. Not a Heavenly gain, but duh...worldly. We are faulty, we are sinful and hateful. We are judgmental and we reject people. Yet the Lord claims us AS HIS OWN. He claims our unworthy, filthy selves and calls us HIS CHILDREN. How personal. He calls us His beloved. Yet we live as if we DESERVE everything. bahahaha we deserve NOTHING. Take some time to read Hebrews 13.

Wait, but seriously you should pause and read Hebrews 13.

A service well pleasing to the Lord.

Good stuff? I just made a spelling error and it said God stuff first try. Which are both applicable. :)
The end is near. Read it again- THE END IS NEAR.
Tonight I had an incredible conversation with my roommate about the end times. Something that I am not most keen on thinking about now, not because I don't think that they are important, but because I don't want to be consumed with what is to come- so that I can live in the now. So that I don't miss the process, the hard stuff (hmm.. haha), and how the Lord is so incredibly The Provider. But wow, conviction...chills...and more passion than ever arose when she began to explain the visions the Lord has given her. She is gifted in visions. They are both powerful and effective, and I have never been more terrified.
Terrified at the idea that I thought I was anything. That I thought that I had anything to do with where I am, how He has gifted me, and how He has allowed me to live in a place where I am safe and protected.
The idea that there is persecution to come. That there is persecution now.
That He loves me enough that He is pulling me out of this world and into what His Heavenly realm is. That He wants an army... and we are chosen. Warriors.

So this morning after worship, as we were praying specifically for the states and what the Lord is doing, is unpleased with, or anything that is to be seen, heard, felt...

This is just a small list.
Join us in praying for this. Join us in praying for your neighbors, co-workers, friends, family, strangers, haters, all of them.
This is us.

marriage. that our love for our spouse would be a reflection of how God loves the church and how He loves us. Eternal.
unity in the church.
more men would rise up and lead. boldness.
church awakening. that we would have an open door, accepting anyone and everyone- and not just because it is trendy.
that God's freedom would and is going to be a domino effect. come like an eagle.
wait on the Lord. not all about here and now. not all things needed at internet speed.
God's best over Cali (said natural disasters, or any disasters are to come).
humility and selflessness.
untouchables and homeless would be reached. that we were never reject our homes or food or resources to another.

Pray with us and we trust that the Lord's best is to come over our nation, even if that may not be what we see as best.
Let us run the race to the end. To endure until it hurts not a little, but a lot.

Friday, January 7, 2011


why yes. This is it! YWAM PISMO BEACH, CA ISAIAH 61 JUSTICE DTS. Now try saying that one 5 times fast.

I am packing. packing. packing. and the Lord continues to remind me to simplify. So a small suitcase and backpack is all that this 5 months will be entailing. I'm stoked! Easy travels. After traveling everywhere in India with an obnoxious amount of unnecessary "stuff" I am no more in that. Meaning as well, Penelope (my guitar) won't be making this trip either. So praise Jesus that the school has extra's to spare!

But beyond all of this, the Lord has really been laying on my heart the word community. Take a minute to really think about what this means to you.
Is it worth sacrificing comfort, life, family, friends, materials, to be able to experience this in the way the church in Acts did. More importantly the way Jesus did. Does.

I am reading this book called the Irresistible Revolution. Stop. RIGHT NOW. Buy it. Read it.
It challenges all of our fleshy-ness of what WE think community is. What we think life is supposed to be in general. To become organic. To be ripped to the core of why and what we were CREATED for. That we may bring glory to the Lord in ALL. And funny thing is, we even need Him to be able to bring Him glory.

This is my prayer for this next step that He has me in. Happily, I am His. Happily, I am where He has created me to be for this season. Praying that this becomes more than just a trip, but a life to come, a place that becomes more than the next "place" but a place to listen and discover His creation. That the next season is more than just a "do good" work, but a lifestyle that continues, to daily, make me more and more of His beloved, dependent on His daily provision.

"It's a beautiful thing when people in poverty are no longer just a mission project but become genuine friends and family with whom we laugh, cry, dream, and struggle..."
Irresistible Revolution- Shane Claiborne
I no longer call you servants...Instead, I have called you friends. John 15:15
"Charity wins awards and applause, but joining the poor gets you killed."

Hmm. Yes Lord. Can we still say yes to you, faithfully?