Friday, August 19, 2011


Prayer. THINGS HAPPEN WHEN WE PRAY. things happen when we pray alone, and things happen when we pray as a body. Like i've said in a previous blog, prayer is a necessity! 

I will ask that each person that reads this, or passes it on to read, or whatever... will pray with me.

I have a few places set up to speak coming up at the end of this month and in September about what I am doing with YWAM and where I will be headed at the end of September. I ask you to pray for favor and for His words to flow through me. That I keep saying glory to His name. I know that it seems like I keep talking about all this (cause I do) but I just know that as I  annoyingly pray, as a daughter would to her father, I know that He hears all my annoying and persistent prayers. And guess what... HE LOVES THEM!

But I need help.
As you can all tell by now, I love being vulnerable. I'm honest with where I'm at and I think that Jesus has taught me that the more I do this, the more He can really move. Cause I become less prideful and He becomes my lifesaver, my ezer. 

So pray with me, pray that monthly support comes in, in all forms. People dedicating time to pray for me and for the base as a whole and what God is doing, and pray for finances. 

Simple and short. The Kingdom of God is at hand! Let's do this, let's say yes to that!

Pray against the enemy, and praise God in the fact that he is losing! he's scrambling and us praying only makes him weaker in our lives.

Just how in Mark 2 when the guys lower their paralyzed friend down from the roof inside to get to Jesus. He loved their persistence, their blatant faith that they trusted that He could heal him. That if they just got to Him, they could see healing in their friend.

I say thank you to Jesus IN ADVANCE that He is going to provide, that through OUR prayers and giving, He is not only going to do things on this earth, that it will be His glory, but I pray that as we lay down the time to really pray for each other that He moves our hearts to more of His. Isn't that what it's about anyway? That we become more like Jesus?

I am blessed for the people who have already said yes to partnering with me as I transition into YWAM, and I pray for the ones who are to come!

Giving does not have to be in large amounts to our worlds view of money, but we give what we have to see HIS Kingdom built, and not ours.

I had a really good friend say to me, as Jesus led him to support me, that "I know that you will be using it for the only purpose that it should ever be spent" (Which trust me, it kicked me in the stomach as well) "However, Audrey, you must know, that my mentality is rooted in the basic understanding of who we are as Children of our most High King.
I am not giving to you, rather I am simply giving back what my one true love deserves. This is not my money, nor is this your time. What we receive has been given, and beyond the understood maxim of giving back, we give our money and our time so that our lifestyles may be best reflectant of an Ephesians 5:1-2 calling.
I give so that He may receive, and I know that you will do the same."

Powerful understanding of the joy of giving! You are needed!

We rise, we walk, and we take risks!

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