Sunday, August 14, 2011

so here it is

I know that Jesus has given me this heart for discipleship, because I mean, look at His life. He WAS He IS the example of that. 

I know after being home since June that I have had my bumps and bruises and small little triumphs! All to say that Pismo feels like more of my home now than ever. I LONG to be with my family there, I long to begin living life face to face and day to day with them. Not that skype dates at the base office with these people aren't great, or arguing over what size really is a Texas sized steak.
Jesus has given me unbelievable community there, people that I call to cry with and to tell stories about how I got stuck in a parking garage cause I couldn't find $3. Or times when I'm literally asleep in my bed, but I hear the phone ring and look to see that its one of my best friends from Pismo calling just to tell me how much she loves me today.

I long to be there to begin what Jesus has been burning in my heart since I first was there in January. It's a place like no other, they are people like no other. They call and hold me accountable, pray with me when I'm wrestling through situations.
I mean I could go on and on about this, but in the end, I can't wait to be pulling up to my new home in September.

For most of you that have talked to me about what's next, you know my plan (hence the word "my") is to be there at the end of September. But really, honestly, I really do feel like I will  be there in September! I trust that I will be. 
I put my hope and my trust in Him, because He is the giver of all things. All things come from Him and through Him. And truthfully why would I want it any other way?

All to say, how can you tangibly help me?

As I was daydreaming last night and just talking with Jesus about what else I could do as I wait, I had this idea. He actually gave me this idea.

Roughly, I would like to have $800-$900 a month, through supporters like you here reading this blog. This would include all expenses? And what expenses are those?

Food, gas for car, required monthly base support for being a member of staff, admin fee to YWAM Pismo base, rent and utilities, just for fun, saving for outreach monthly (twice a year I will be leading an outreach), and outgoing support for other missions and missionaries (because I am also called to give)

This, I know, seems impossible. And quite obviously without Jesus and y'alls is. I can't do this alone.

Here is my tangible idea:
So you spend about $4-$5 on a latte or special coffee drink.
Wanna cut two of those out a month?
Because if you do, I would only need 80-90 people a month, giving $10 a month! JUST $10! 2 LESS LATTES!
And if we get really crazy, if I had 40-45 people giving $20 a month I would have enough support monthly! That may cost you a few less lattes, but who knows, it could be worth it! 
I mean, you get to partner with Jesus and me to go and tell all the nations about His unfailing love.

Think about it.
Let me know what you think!

Let's meet and talk about it, cause I would love that too.
wanna come with me?

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